November 23, 2013

Liverpool adalah rumah bagi lebih dari lima ratus ribu warganya yang terletak di pinggir Sungai Mersey yang bermuara ke Samudera Atlantik yang berada di laut lepas sejauh mata memandang. Kota ini memang tidak sebesar London ataupun Manchester yang sangat maju dengan ekonomi dan bisnisnya, tetapi dalam hal sepakbola, Liverpool adalah kota tersukses dalam sejarah hirarki sepakbola Inggris. Di kota ini, ada 2 klub besar yang pertemuan antara keduanya memiliki sejarah panjang dan keunikan tersendiri, siapakah mereka dan bagaimana kisahnya? Check this out!

Jika Anda adalah seorang penggemar Liga Inggris sejati, pasti Anda sudah tidak asing lagi dengan istilah Merseyside Derby. Merseyside Derby adalah derby yang mempertemukan antara dua klub sepakbola berbeda yang berasal dari satu kota yang sama, yaitu Liverpool. Liverpool FC dan Everton FC, itulah nama kedua klub tersebut. Julukan ‘Merseyside Derby’ sendiri muncul saat sebuah koran nasional memakai istilah tersebut di tahun 1955. Lahir dari satu rahim yang sama, yaitu Anfield, keduanya tumbuh dan besar menjadi klub elit papan atas di Liga Inggris. Everton, sang kakak, didirikan terlebih dahulu 135 tahun yang lalu dengan nama St. Domingo’s FC. St. Domingo sendiri adalah nama sebuah gereja di daerah district Everton, dan pemain dalam tim nya merupakan jemaat gereja tersebut. Setahun kemudian berganti nama menjadi Everton FC dikarenakan penduduk lokal (Everton) juga ingin berpartisipasi dalam tim. Mereka menyewa lapangan Anfield yang dimiliki oleh John Houlding sebagai home base mereka. Namun perseteruan petinggi Everton dengan John Houlding yang menaikkan harga sewa stadion kala itu membuat Everton memutuskan untuk pindah home base ke Goodison Park. John Houlding kemudian membuat sebuah klub baru pada Maret 1892 dengan nama awal “Everton FC and Athletic Grounds Ltd." Akan tetapi nama tersebut ditolak oleh FA (Federasi Sepakbola Inggris) karena tidak boleh ada 2 tim dengan nama yang sama. Maka pada bulan Juni 1892 dipilihlah nama Liverpool FC, dan nama itu tidak tergantikan hingga saat ini.

Dari situ mulai tumbuhlah api kebencian supporter Everton kepada orang-orang yang mendukung berdirinya Liverpool FC. Di awal-awal berdirinya, Liverpool sukses menjuarai beberapa kompetisi domestik, hal ini membuat fans Liverpool semakin banyak. Dan sejak saat itu pula pertemuan antar keduanya di setiap ajang menjadi panas. Meskipun ada 6 klub sepakbola professional dan amatir di daerah Merseyside, hanya 2 klub inilah yang bersaing di kasta teratas sepakbola Inggris yang membuatnya selalu menarik untuk ditonton. Siapapun diantara keduanya yang menang di Merseyside Derby seolah menjadi penguasa kota setidaknya hingga pertandingan selanjutnya. Tidak peduli saat bertanding itu mereka ada di peringkat berapa di klasemen Liga, tensi panas dan gengsi tak pernah lepas dari derby yang sering dibilang sebagai ‘derby terhangat’ di seantero Inggris Raya ini.

Neighborhood in Liverpool
Derby terhangat? Ya, karena tidak jarang ditemukan bahwa dalam sebuah keluarga di Liverpool, anggota keluarganya mungkin mendukung dua klub yang berbeda. Liverpool adalah kota kecil, sehingga perkawinan antar sesama penduduk Liverpool adalah hal yang lumrah. Maka jangan heran jika dalam sebuah keluarga di Liverpool memiliki dua atribut berbeda di rumahnya. Sang ayah bisa saja pendukung Everton, sang ibu pendukung Liverpool, dan anak-anaknya sudah pasti berbeda-beda pula. Hal ini bukanlah hal yang asing di kalangan Liverpudlian (warga kota Liverpool) sejak dahulu. Meskipun berbeda warna, sangat jarang terjadi perkelahian satu sama lain. Karena mereka percaya bahwa mereka adalah keluarga. Pada final Piala Liga di tahun 1984, kedua supporter duduk berdampingan di stadion sambil meneriakkan, ‘are you watching Manchester?’ sebagai sindiran kepada klub dari kota sebelah yaitu Manchester United dan Manchester City yang tidak pernah akur di Derby Manchester. Selain itu, jarak antara markas kedua tim yang hanya selemparan batu jauhnya menjadikan fans dua klub yang berlainan warna ini selalu berdekatan satu sama lain.

Anfield and Goodison Park
Namun hal itu sedikit berubah setelah tragedy Heysel pada bulan Mei 1985 yang menewaskan 39 pendukung Juventus pada laga final Piala Champions antara Liverpool dan Juventus di Brussels, Belgium. Karena kejadian tersebut, tim-tim Inggris dihukum tidak boleh bertanding di seluruh kompetisi Eropa hingga 5 tahun lamanya. Everton, yang di tahun itu pula menjadi kampiun Liga Inggris harus pasrah menerima keadaan tidak bisa bermain di Piala Champions di musim berikutnya karena larangan tersebut. Hal ini membuat fans The Toffees (julukan Everton) menaruh rasa kebencian kepada Liverpool. Hingga beberapa tahun setelah tragedi tersebut, baik tribun penonton maupun pemain di lapangan, sama-sama memiliki tensi yang panas saat Derby berlangsung. Hal itu mulai sedikit mereda 4 tahun kemudian setelah salah satu sejarah kelam dalam dunia sepakbola kembali terjadi, tragedi Hillsborough. Bencana tersebut menewaskan 96 supporter Liverpool saat pertandingan semifinal Piala FA melawan Nottingham Forest di kandang Sheffield Wednesday. Banyak dari keluarga korban adalah fans Liverpool dan fans Everton. Keterangan dari pihak pemerintah yang menyalahkan fans Liverpool alih-alih menyalahkan pihak kepolisian yang lalai menjalankan tugas membuat pihak keluarga mendirikan yayasan yang menampung aspirasi dari keluarga korban untuk menuntut keadilan kepada pemerintah atas tragedi tersebut. Dari situlah hubungan antara kedua fans kembali terjalin, ikatan persaudaraan mengikat mereka. Bahkan sebuah lagu yang berjudul “He Ain’t Heavy, He’s My Brother” yang dipopulerkan oleh band The Hollies menjadi lagu pengiring penghormatan Everton kepada 96 supporter Liverpool yang meninggal dalam tragedi kemanusiaan tersebut.

Hillsborough Disaster
Lain fans lain pula para pemain yang bertarung di lapangan. Jika fans dari kedua tim selalu bersahabat ketika derby berlangsung, bahkan tidak jarang terlihat kedua kubu duduk berdampingan bercampur baur merah dan biru. Maka lain halnya dengan di lapangan, tensi keras dan panas selalu terjadi di pertandingan derby antara tim kakak beradik ini. Merseyside Derby sendiri merupakan derby terpanjang di divisi teratas Liga Inggris. Kedua klub selalu berduel di tiap musim divisi tertinggi Liga Inggris sejak musim 1962-1963. Tidak ada derby lain di Inggris yang berlangsung lebih lama dari ini. Derby antara keduanya juga merupakan yang terkeras dan terkasar di Liga Inggris. Sejak era Premier League dimulai tahun 1992, pertandingan antara The Reds dan The Toffees telah menghasilkan sebanyak 20 kartu merah, yang terbanyak sepanjang sejarah Premier League. Bisa dibayangkan panas dan sengitnya derby ini.

Dan salah satu keunikan dari derby kakak beradik ini datang dari sisi pemain. Beberapa pemain hebat yang dimiliki kedua tim sejatinya adalah pendukung klub rival saat masih kecil. Leon Osman dan Leighton Baines contohnya, mereka adalah penggemar Liverpool saat masih bocah. Sedangkan Ian Rush, Steve McManaman, Michael Owen, Robbie Fowler, dan Jamie Carragher, mereka semua adalah pemain hebat dan legenda Liverpool yang masa kecilnya dihabiskan untuk mendukung Everton. Salah satu kontroversi adalah saat Jamie Carragher selalu bermain dengan kaus lengan panjang. Ini membuat banyak pihak menduga bahwa ia melakukan hal tersebut karena ia memiliki tatto berlambang Everton di lengannya. Hal ini menjadi gosip selama bertahun-tahun di kalangan fans sampai akhirnya suatu hari Jamie bermain dengan kaus berlengan pendek dan terbukti bahwa tidak ada apa-apa di sana.

The Captains
Carragher on Derby
Menilik jauh lagi ke belakang, Liverpool dan sang tetangga, Everton, menjadikan kota Liverpool sebagai kota tersukses di Inggris dalam hal sepakbola. Hingga tulisan ini diturunkan, kota Liverpool menghasilkan 27 trofi juara Liga Inggris (Liverpool 18 trofi, Everton 9 trofi), lebih banyak daripada kota Manchester (23 trofi) dan London (19 trofi). Jumlah tersebut belum ditambah dengan gelar-gelar domestik dan non domestik lainnya, dan tentunya juga dengan 5 trofi Piala Champions milik Liverpool yang menjadi rekor klub Inggris. Uniknya, gelar Liga Champions ke-5 Liverpool tersebut diraih di musim yang sama ketika Everton berhasil finish klasemen Liga Inggris di atas Liverpool untuk pertama kalinya setelah 18 tahun terakhir.

"Are you watching Manchester?"
Merseyside United
Melihat rasa persaudaraan yang begitu erat antara fans dari kedua tim, dan juga kesuksesan yang telah diraih oleh kedua tim itu sendiri, tidak heran jika Merseyside Derby sangat ditunggu-tunggu oleh Kopites dan Evertonian. Rasa emosional ketika menonton pertandingan antara saudara kandung ini menjadi sensasi tersendiri, baik bagi orang-orang asli Liverpool di Inggris sana, maupun fans kedua tim dari luar Inggris. Jika Anda ingin pergi untuk menonton dua saudara kandung ini bertarung malam nanti, jangan kaget jika saat pertandingan Anda takjub dengan fans yang bercampur baur di dalam stadion layaknya saudara, sambil berkata “what a friendly derby!” Namun di saat yang lain Anda berteriak “that was dangerous foul ref, why only yellow card?” saat pemain tim kesayangan Anda dilanggar, atau mungkin Anda akan meneriakkan “why red card, ref?” saat pemain dari tim favorit Anda diusir ke luar lapangan. Because this is Merseyside Derby, are you watching Manchester???


October 21, 2013

What did you feel after seeing the hypnotic pattern beside? Are you feeling dizzy? If so, that dizzy feeling could lead you to being hypnotized if you take a long time seeing that. Then you will become unconscious. And it is called hypnosis process. Do you know what hypnosis is? I assume you all have known what hypnosis is. Is that right?

Now I would like to show you how to hypnotize someone. Below is one technique to hypnotize someone I saw and concluded from my lecturer’s hypnosis appearance. First, make it sure that someone you are going to hypnotize also wants to be hypnotized. Then, you can ask him about his name, his family, his job, his hobby, and you also can talk some platitudes or something unimportant to him directly. This way is usually started by clapping his shoulder when he looks dazed. Next, it is your duty to make him unconscious. As soon as he is unconscious, you can start your hypnosis. Furthermore, the way very often used by my lecturer is to ask someone to think deeper within his subconscious. In addition, you can make him unconscious by asking him to imagine and follow some mysterious situations. Moreover, you can order him to do something weird, like closing his eyes, hold it and try to open it, or holding the hand onto the chair and trying to pick it up again. After he is unconscious, it means that you have successfully hypnotized him. Finally, you can make someone better than before by giving suggestion or motivation when he is being hypnotized.


Read also:

October 18, 2013

Dumb people have a special way to communicate. They communicate to others by using sign language. It is a process of exchange of thoughts and ideas where the message is delivered. The ways usually used are by combining hand shapes, movement of the hands, arms and body, also facial expressions to express their thoughts. Sign language can repeat thoughts that have been conveyed verbally. For example, a child who is invited to a recreation place will jump up and down to express his happiness. Furthermore, it also can replace the verbal symbol. For example, in Indonesia, without saying a word, if someone shakes his head, it is known as a sign of disagreement, sadness, or disbelief of something. 

Sign language is fully arranged by rules. However, there is no international sign language are successfully applied. Sign language is unique in its kind in any country. In addition, sign language may be different in countries speaking the same language. For example, the United States and Britain despite having the same written language, but both of them have overall differences (American Sign Language and British Sign Language). The reverse is also true. There are countries having difference written language (e.g. English and Spanish), but use the same sign language. As a result, by using this language, the dumb people still can communicate to others although they cannot speak and hear.


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October 12, 2013

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The Esquimaux Maiden’s Romance is one of the best short stories of Mark Twain criticizing social discrimination. Twain tries to criticize different treatment in society happened to both of a rich man and a poor man. Twain, as the narrator of the story, tells his experience when he met a girl of Eskimo named Lasca, in Artic Circle. The twenty years-old girl, told anything of her life, such as her life in Artic Circle and her romance. She was the daily friend of Twain in a week. More he knew about the girl, more he liked her. Although there are some issues of discrimination in the story, here this essay will focus on the different treatment happened to both of the rich and the poor man.

The first main discussion of this essay is when Lasca told about the special treatment that people in her tribe give to Lasca’s father. Lasca explained that her father was a rich man in his tribe at the time. As a rich man, people gave prime attention to him. Her father had twenty two fish-hooks, the greatest quantities in the tribe. When he was poor, people disrespected to him. However, when he became rich, his wealth made many his neighboring tribesmen cringing and obsequious to him. “And his wealth makes everybody cringing and obsequious to him.’ (paragraph 103, line 12). Moreover, her status as a daughter of a millionaire did not make her life happy.
‘It pains me to see neighbouring tribesmen stare as they pass by, and overhear them say, reverently, one to another, "There--that is she--the millionaire's daughter!" And sometimes they say sorrowfully, "She is rolling in fish-hooks, and I--I have nothing." It breaks my heart.’ (paragraph 103, line 3).
The neighboring tribesmen respected to her family only because of his father’s wealth, and they only see Lasca as a daughter of a rich man, not Lasca as an ordinary girl. Therefore, she did not clearly see whether the admiration showed by them is really pure from their hearts or not.

Another social discrimination happened in the story is the unfair treatment to a poor man named Kalula. Kalula, as a stranger from another tribe, came and stayed in the Lasca’s tribe. He suddenly loved Lasca just after meeting her. Lasca’s father, a haughty man, felt unrespect to Kalula. He considered Kalula as a poor man who did not deserve to love his daughter, Lasca. Kalula, who suddenly loved Lasca, did not know that Lasca’s father is a rich man. Kalula then was amazed by twenty two Lasca’s father fish-hooks. One night, he could not sleep for thinking for the beautiful hooks. He kissed and fondled them, but he did not steal them.
‘”It was I. I could not sleep for thinking of the beautiful hooks. I went there and kissed them and fondled them, to appease my spirit and drown it in a harmless joy, then I put them back. I may have dropped one, but I stole none."’ (paragraph 146, line 1).
Lasca’s father woke up in the morning and realized that there was one hook lost. Without any investigation, Lasca’s father immediately accused Kalula as the thief. ‘"Up, everybody, and seize the stranger!"’ (paragraph 123, line 5). Afterward, Kalula was brought to court, and the judge convicted that he was wrong, and he was taken far out to sea and was set on an iceberg was drifting southward. Kalula was punished by something he never did. An unfair treatment he accepted just because he was only a poor man.

In brief, this story criticizes the dissimilar social treatment happened in both of millionaire and poor man. First, people sometimes respect to the millionaire just because of his wealth. Furthermore, they are cringing and obsequious to him. Besides, people always disrespect to the poor man. People are regularly suspicious with him. When he did something wrong, he is suddenly accused and punished. Those both are social discrimination usually happened in society. The message sent by the story is actually not to respect to someone only because of his wealth, and not to accuse someone without knowing what real happened.


October 11, 2013

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Twelfth Night is a comedy genre short story beautifully written by William Shakespeare. It tells about love and disguise of a girl named Viola. The story begins when Viola and Sebastian, twin brother and sister who were in a shipwreck of a long ship journey. It is stated in paragraph 1, line 5, “for they were shipwrecked on the coast of Illyria, as they were making a sea-voyage together.” Viola then taught that her brother was dead, and she was saved and arrived in a strange country named Illyria which is governed by Orsino. In this foreign country, which was far away from her home, Viola found her love, which would be a triangle love, and she also disguised as a man named Cesario. Hence, this essay will obviously tell about the Viola’s love and her disguise as a man.

Orsino, the Duke of Illyria, was in love with Olivia, a fair Lady who actually rejected his love. Olivia was a daughter of a count who died twelve months ago. Her father left her to her brother protection, but her brother was also dead in a short time after her father’s death. Viola heard about the Lady from the captain of the ship, and she wanted to serve the Lady. However, the Lady would not accept anyone to come to her house since her brother’s death. Viola then had another project in her mind that she wanted to disguise as a man named Cesario, which the appearance was just like her brother Sebastian, in order to serve the Duke, Orsino. “Then Viola formed another project in her mind, which was, in a man’s habit, to serve the Duke Orsino as a page.” (paragraph 6; line 6).

She then asked the captain to furnish her the apparel which had the same fashion and color that Sebastian used to wear. Furthermore, she was entrusted by the Duke to help him in his effort to court the Lady. He told all the secrets of his heart to the disguised girl as she showed her faithfulness to him. When Cesario came to Olivia’s house, she said that she could not love him. It is stated in paragraph 36; line 1, “I cannot love him.” She knew that the Duke’s was virtuous, but she could not love him. Otherwise, she suddenly had an impression of young Cesario, as stated “that she resolved to court the love of young Cesario” (paragraph 41 ; line 10).

On another place, Sebastian was still alive as he was saved by a sea-captain of another ship named Antonio. Sebastian curiously wanted to visit the Orsino’s palace. Afterward, Antonio brought him to Illyria although he knew that there were many of his enemies. Finally, they had landed to Illyria. Since Sebastian appearance was just the same with Cesario, he then was asked by Olivia to get married. She did not know that Cesario she wanted to marry was Sebastian. Subsequently, Sebastian married with Olivia, whom considered him as Cesario, as revealed in paragraph 64; line 10 “for another Cesario entered, and addressed Olivia as his wife. This new Cesario was Sebastian, the real husband of Olivia.”

On another side, Orsino, who was disappointed to Olivia’s marriage with Sebastian, had great attention to Viola as she charmingly changed into a fair lady from her disguise as Cesario. He viewed her very beautiful woman in a woman’s attire. After that, he revealed that he wanted to make Viola his wife as she had said she loved him many times and was really faithful of being a page. It can be seen in paragraph 66; line 11, “he resolved to make Viola his wife” and in paragraph 67 ; line 4, “you shall now be your master’s mistress, and Orsino’s true duchess.” Finally, Viola married with Orsino, and Sebastian married with Olivia on the same day.

To make it brief, this beautiful short story attractively told about Viola and Sebastian, twin brother and sister who got an accident as their ship was sunk at sea. However, it brought them into a fortune. He and she arrived in a foreign country by different time. Viola, who arrived first, was falling in love with Orsino, the Duke of the foreign country, Illyria. Furthermore, Viola disguised as a man named Cesario who later was a page of Orsino to help him express his love to a fair Lady named Olivia. Olivia then fell in love with Cesario, which was actually Sebastian who was rescued of the accident by Antonio. Olivia and Sebastian then got married, and Orsino also married Viola as he was totally interested in her because her beauty and faithfulness. As a final point, the fortune of them is that Viola was a princess of the Duke Orsino, and Sebastian was a husband of the fair Lady Olivia.

Read also:

October 10, 2013

This time I will post some of my assignments from Introduction to Literature subject when I was in 5th semester as I think it's better to be published instead of being useless only dropped in my drive. They are narrative essays of summary of some short stories made by some expert writers like Charles Dickens, William Shakespeare, and Mark Twain. And the first essay is about The Poor Relation's Story by Charles Dickens. Check this out!

The Poor Relation's Story
(A Summary)

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The Poor Relation’s Story is one of the greatest short stories of Charles Dickens conveying about a poor relation who dreamed of his fantasy life. The story begins when a family gathered in an event of Christmas. It is clearly stated in the story that the name of the poor relation is Michael. According to his first confession, he was a poor bachelor. It is stated in paragraph 4; line 12 that “I am at present a bachelor of between fifty-nine and sixty years of age”. However, in the middle of the story, he also confessed that what he told about his life previously is wrong, “Now, it is a remarkable circumstance which forms the aim and purpose of my story, that this is all wrong. This is not my life, and these are not my habits.” (paragraph 12; line 2). The only main question left is which life that truly he went through. Therefore, this essay will evidently tell the fantasy life, which is the “supposed life” the poor relation clearly described.

In his fantasy life, he confessed that he was residing in a castle, marrying a pretty girl, and having children and grandchildren. In this life he did not fail in business. John Spatter, who was a clerk in his business, did not dupe him, and Michael took him into a partnership. “It was when I first took John Spatter (who had been my clerk) into partnership, and when I was still a young man of not more than five- and-twenty.” (paragraph 13; line 1). Moreover, it is also told that he married a beautiful girl whom he had loved for a long time. The name of the girl was Christiana. She had a widowed mother whom Michael rather mistrusted. Christiana did not marry a rich man, but chose Michael, “Christiana accepted me with her mother's consent, and I was rendered very happy indeed.” (paragraph 14; line 1). From his marriage with Christiana, they were blessed with children. Additionally, their eldest daughter married the eldest son of John Spatter. They have grandchildren. One of them is just like Little Frank, it is described as follow:
That was the beginning of the residence I have spoken of; the Castle we have ever since inhabited together, dates from that time. All our children have been born in it. Our first child--now married--was a little girl, whom we called Christiana. Her son is so like Little Frank, that I hardly know which is which. (paragraph 40; line 2).
The only thing unchanged is that he did not find any good relationship with his uncle, Chill. The Little Frank, who was the child of his first cousin, is also still little. He was a diffident boy whom the poor relation often took home to the Castle, “I often take Little Frank home there. He is very welcome to my grandchildren, and they play together.” (paragraph 66; line 2). However, in the end of the story, he explained that it was his imagination. To finish his story, still at near place of the Christmas fire, he clearly said that his castle is only in the air, "Yes. My Castle," said the poor relation, shaking his head as he still looked at the fire, "is in the Air. John our esteemed host suggests its situation accurately. My Castle is in the Air! I have done.” (paragraph 68; line 1). In fact, his life in a castle and his marriage with Christiana was only his fantasy life, not his real life. His actual life is what he already mentioned earlier in the story that he was a bachelor living in lodging, and he is a solitary man with a quarterly income who failed in business and love.

The reason why he dreamed of the fantasy life is to amuse himself and to make his life happy. He did not want to feel too agonized. In addition, he also did not want the misery of his life made his respected family unhappy. He did not want they get unhappiness in thinking of him. It did not mean that he is an escapist because he just wanted to forget his miserable life and tried to get happiness at least in a gathering event of Christmas, when he and his respected family were assembled. Michael also perhaps wished that it will be an inspiring story that his respected family could take a note. The message of his fantasy story might that people should not have to worry of his life just because they are underprivileged and deprived.

To put it briefly, this beautiful short story conveyed the fantasy life of a poor relation that he described to his family members. He told that he was living in a castle, marrying a pretty woman, and having children and grandchildren. Furthermore, he also revealed that John Spatter was his clerk and he took him as a partner. This supposed life was completely different form his actual life. By telling his fantasy life, he confidently hoped that it will entertain him and his respected family, and also made his life happy. He wanted to show that he was not an escapist, but a man who had an imagination in enjoying his distressed life.

Read also:
- Twelfth Night

October 7, 2013

Apa yang Anda fikirkan ketika ada seorang pria joget-joget gak jelas dengan iringan lagu yang salah satu liriknya berbunyi “asik asik joss”? Apa juga yang Anda fikirkan ketika acara tersebut ditayangkan hampir tiap malam di sebuah stasiun TV swasta di Indonesia? Pastinya Anda gumoh dan bosan bukan? Saya juga. Tapi ada satu hal yang saya dapat ambil dari sudut pandang yang berbeda darinya…

Bukan anak saya
Siapa yang tidak kenal Goyang ala Caisar atau Caesar atau Kaisar atau siapalah namanya itu, yang sedang menjadi sebuah fenomena belakangan ini? Sudah pasti sebagian Anda mengetahuinya. Mungkin hanya saya yang baru tau hal tersebut sebulan terakhir ini karena ketika acara ini ditayangkan sekiar bulan puasa yang lalu, saya gak pernah menontonnya karena memang gak pernah nyetel TV pas sahur -_-

Salah satu yang saya ingat dari pria yang bernama Caisar tersebut adalah ia selalu mengatakan “Keep Smile” sebelum memulai jogetnya. So, apa kira-kira korelasi antara goyang ala Caisar tersebut dengan tulisan ini? Saya sebetulnya ingin menggaris bawahi kata Keep Smile tersebut, yang terjemahan kasar salam Bahasa Indonesianya adalah “tetaplah tersenyum.” Di luar goyangan enerjiknya yang absurd itu, Caisar (dengan perkataan Keep Smile-nya) mampu -setidaknya- menyadarkan saya bahwa di dalam situasi sesulit apapun dalam hidup ini, kita harus tetap tersenyum.

Contohnya ketika Anda menyukai seorang wanita namun cinta Anda ditolak mentah-mentah, tersenyumlah. Ketika tanggal tua, gajian belum turun tapi harus bayar ini itu, tersenyumlah. Ketika tugas sekolah/kuliah menumpuk seperti gunung Krakatau yang terus bertambah tinggi setiap tahunnya, tersenyumlah. Ketika sudah melamar pekerjaan ke sana kemari tapi belum juga diterima, tersenyumlah. Ketika suami atau istri Anda, atau mungkin pacar Anda marah-marah gak jelas dan Anda pun gak tau apa salah Anda, tersenyumlah. Ketika Anda harus menyelesaikan revisi skripsi dalam jangka waktu tertentu, atau ancamannya Anda akan sidang ulang, ter… (eh nanti dulu, senyum gak ya, masalahnya saya lagi ngalamin nih… hiks).

Pokoknya sesuatu apapun itu yang membuat Anda terhalang, tersenyumlah dan buatlah langkah baru. Nikmati hidup just the way it is. Tersenyumlah, layaknya seorang anak kecil yang selalu tersenyum karena tak pusing memikirkan banyak masalah. Let it flow ajalah. Tapi maksud 'tersenyum' di sini tidak melulu bahwa kita harus selalu senyum ketika masalah datang, nanti disangka orang stress. Haha. Maksudnya anggaplah masalah itu sebagai bumbu-bumbu dalam kehidupan, bukan sebagai duri yang harus selalu disesalkan.

Anak tetangga, namanya Ola
So everyone, keep smile :) *kemudian joget*

Baca juga:
- Mangkuk Rezeki
- Hidup Tak Harus Selalu Sama
- In My Life

September 29, 2013

Far away… This ship is taking me far away… Far away from the memories of the people who care if I live or die…

Sumber gambar:

Potongan lirik lagu Starlight dari Muse di atas mungkin bisa menggambarkan apa yang saya fikirkan saat ini. Terbawa oleh kapal yang saya naiki entah kemana. Jauh ke arah yang tak menentu dibandingkan kapal-kapal lainnya. Bagaimana tidak? Ketika teman-teman saya sudah one step ahead in front of me, saya malah masih jalan di tempat. Salah satu teman saya sudah sejak semester 7 silam mengajar di sebuah sekolah menengah pertama sebagai guru honorer. Sebuah hal yang terasa amat sulit untuk saya capai, setidaknya untuk saat ini. Teman saya satu lagi (sebut saja namanya Mawar) telah diangkat menjadi asdos di lembaga yang selama 4 tahun terakhir ini saya menimba ilmu di sana. Dua orang teman saya malah ada yang sudah daftar ke Pasca Sarjana untuk melanjutkan studinya hingga S-2. Untuk contoh yang terakhir saya tidak mau banyak komentar karena memang saya tidak punya niatan untuk langsung lanjut S-2. Karena selain masalah biaya, juga karena saya memang ingin kerja terlebih dahulu, S-2 bisa lain waktu. Ibarat mereka sudah membangun gedung hingga lantai ke-3, saya malah masih bingung mencari bahan untuk membuat pondasi.

Bukannya iri terhadap mereka tetapi lebih kepada menyalahkan diri sendiri yang selalu tidak mampu mengejar. Ya, dalam segala hal dan setiap waktu, saya memang selalu tertinggal dibanding teman-teman sebaya saya dari dulu hingga sekarang. Entah apa penyebabnya, yang pasti itu seperti sudah menjadi bad behavior bagi saya. Sebagai contoh, ketika jaman saya kecil dulu sedang heboh-hebohnya permainan mobil balap kecil yang bernama Tamiya, saya sama sekali tidak tertarik. Tapi ketika animo ketertarikan orang-orang terhadap Tamiya tersebut mulai menurun, saya malah mulai suka dan mulai membeli mobil mini tersebut beserta asesorisnya yang berharga mahal yang membuat saya rela untuk tidak jajan selama seharian. Padahal saat itu usia saya kelas 1 SMP dimana teman sebaya saya sudah beralih ke permainan PS2. Begitu juga kelanjutannya, ketika teman-teman lain sudah lancar bermain PS2 saya malah baru mulai belajar bagaimana cara mengoper dan menendang bola di game Winning Eleven.

Hal-hal semisal di atas terus berlangsung dan banyak sekali contohnya. Misalnya lagi, ketika SMA, teman-teman seusia saya sudah memiliki handphone, saya malah masih menggunakan telepon rumah untuk berkomunikasi. Ketika handphone mereka sudah diupgrade menjadi HP yang ada mp3 playernya, saya malah baru memiliki HP yang cuma bisa menyetel radio, tanpa mp3 player, tanpa kamera, itupun boleh dapat dari hadiah. Di saat teman sebaya telah fasih lagu-lagu berbahasa Inggris, saya malah baru mulai menyukainya. Ketika kuliah, disaat teman-teman telah mulai mengajar di tempat-tempat les bahkan sejak semester 1 kuliah, saya malah baru memulai ngajar ketika semester 4. Ketika orang-orang memiliki BB sebagai alat komunikasi sekaligus gengsi, saya malah masih memakai HP china. Ketika android sedang merajalela, saya malah masih menggunakan BB yang bisa dibilang bukan sebuah smartphone lagi ini. Why always left behind?

Sumber gambar:

Sejak kecil memang saya tidak begitu akrab dengan dunia luar. Mengurung diri di rumah dengan menonton film kartun sudah seperti rutinitas yang wajib bagi saya ketika kecil. Paling-paling main dengan teman lingkungan rumah ketika hari Sabtu dan Minggu aja. Ibarat peribahasa, seperti katak dalam tempurung. Sikap ayah saya yang tidak teralu pandai dalam mengarahkan anaknya demi meraih masa depan mungkin salah satu hal yang menjadi penyebabnya. Alih-alih mengarahkan anaknya bagaimana menghadapi hidup, beliau malah bersikap strict dan otoriter dengan begitu ketatnya mengawasi kegiatan anak-anaknya dalam bergaul dengan teman sebaya. Bisa memberi nafkah yang cukup bagi keluarga sudah merupakan sesuatu yang amat saya syukuri dan banggakan dalam diri ayah saya. Ibu saya terlalu sibuk dengan dua orang adik saya yang ketika itu masih mungil-mungil membuatnya tidak bisa fokus terhadap perkembangan diri saya yang dianggapnya sudah bisa mandiri. Memang merupakan sebuah ketidakberuntungan tumbuh di masa remaja yang masih labil dengan keadaan seperti itu, tapi mau bagaimana lagi, toh ketika lahir ke dunia ini kita tidak bisa memilih untuk lahir dalam keluarga yang kita inginkan begini dan begitu.

Contoh-contoh di atas mungkin tidak relevan, terlalu berlebihan atau bahkan menyedihkan. Tapi seperti yang saya bilang di awal bahwa saya tidak ingin menyalahkan siapapun, juga tidak ingin iri terhadap siapapun. Percuma juga toh semua telah berlalu. Melihat kepada diri sendiri mungkin lebih baik saat ini. Namun karena hidup ini terlalu singkat untuk ditangisi, saya lebih memilih untuk enjoy the ride. Karena setidaknya saya masih memiliki sisi lain dari hidup ini yang belum tentu orang lain miliki. Bukankah hidup tak harus selalu sama? 

Baca juga:

September 23, 2013

Sumber gambar:

Alkisah ada seekor siput yang selalu memandang sinis dan iri terhadap kehidupan seekor katak. 

Suatu hari, katak yang penasaran akan sebab kenapa si siput selalu benci terhadapnya, akhirnya berkata kepada si siput:

“Tuan Siput, apakah saya telah melakukan kesalahan, sehingga Anda begitu membenci saya?”

Siput menjawab: “Kalian, wahai kaum Katak, mempunyai empat kaki dan bisa melompat ke sana ke mari. Bisa pergi ke manapun kalian mau dengan bebasnya. Sementara saya harus membawa rumah cangkang yang berat ini, serta merangkak di tanah. Itu membuat saya menjadi sangat sedih, dan merasa bahwa Tuhan tidak adil.”

Katak menjawab: “Setiap kehidupan memiliki penderitaannya masing-masing, hanya saja kamu cuma melihat kegembiraan saya, tetapi kamu tidak melihat penderitaan kami (kaum katak).” 

Dan seketika, ada seekor Elang besar yang terbang ke arah mereka. 

Siput dengan cepat memasukkan tubuhnya ke dalam cangkang, sedangkan si Katak dimangsa oleh sang Elang.

Pesan moral:
Nikmatilah kehidupanmu, tidak perlu dibandingkan dengan orang lain. Keirian hati kita terhadap kelebihan orang lain hanya akan membawa lebih banyak penderitaan. Lebih baik pikirkanlah apa yang menjadi milik kita sendiri. Hal tersebut akan membawakan lebih banyak rasa syukur dan kebahagiaan bagi diri kita.
Baca juga:
- Hidup Tak Harus Selalu Sama
- Belajar Dari Pohon Kelapa
- Mangkuk Rezeki

September 17, 2013

There are places I remember...

All my life though some have changed...

Some forever not for better...

Some have gone and some remain...

All these places have their moments...

With lovers and friends I still can recall...

Some are dead and some are living...

In my life I've loved them all...

In my life I've loved them all...

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